Spell check suggested Alien Brain as the correct spelling of Allyn Bryan. "Did you mean Alien Brain?" it asked. Yes, yes I did.
I'm a left-handed, right-brained, low-maintenance minimalist predisposed with the Happy Gene. I'm attracted by shiny objects, but prefer a matte finish.
I'm abusing this blogging tool to offload my overthinkerism in a haphazard fashion. Life on Catalina Island with my husband, who has Asperger's, provides unending content for blog posts. Stuff it all in, then sort it out later. Just clearing the decks of my cortex to make way for what's next (I think I just wrote my first rap lyric).
Is the author of that blog someone that he or anyone else in the family knows? Just curious.
Yes Kath, he's a friend of Scott's parents apparently, which explains his access to Elliette's tomatoes and Scott's blog!
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