Saturday, September 19, 2009

iPhone "Art" in Two Minutes

This afternoon I found Bernice on top of the secretary desk in the family room. I've never seen her up there before so I took this photo with the iPhone, opened the App "Photogene" and applied an "effect":


I like it!

Here's another example I did last month with my own eyeball:

Step One

...and new User EyeD

I've since taken "eyeball photos" of a few friends and applied the same "effect". The willingness that my friends have to offer up their eyeballs in a split-second for an iPhone photo without so much as a "Why?" delights me to no end. This one of the eyeball of Dion Wright, my amazing artist friend, truly needs no stands on its own with a tremendous amount of character in one shot:

But here's what happened after the filter was applied (if it's too dramatic, refer to the peaceful kitty photo above):

Here's looking at YOU!


Kath said...

Bernice was reminding you that she is the CAT, and therefore a mysterious, unpredictable and superior being. ;)

Alien Brain said...

I believe you have plenty of evidence of their superiority in your own home!