Today I realized I created a label called "Tweets of Note" for this blog and made only one entry back in April. Since that entry, I've been "Followed" by over 100 people (for who knows what reason, Chad here said he liked my Avatar - the same one I use under Brief Blurb on this page) and if they seem remotely sincere, I return the favor.
I finally went to see what some of these people are Tweeting, and here are a few representative examples:
So, I'm beginning to understand that Twitter just allows you to put yourself out there and see if there are any other members of your tribe interested in what you're tweeting.
I've got to admit I haven't yet followed Mia (even though I laughed when I read that Tweet) because I keep thinking that she's a "bait and switch" Tweeter. Most women who post a similar photo eventually want you to click on their "sexy photos." If that day comes, I'll "Block" her...we'll see how Mia pans out as time goes on...
Here's an example of a business use for Twitter:
I follow them because my daughter has been waiting for these lamps to become available for years now! I feel certain they will Tweet that news, and I'll be among the first to know!
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