Thursday, July 24, 2008

Zone Cruise to Bermuda

For my mother's birthday (39th) I took her on a "Zone Cruise" to Bermuda with Dr. Barry Sears and his group. Is it really a vacation if you travel under the guise of a healthy week of the Zone Diet and seminars? Yes! We were joined by Scott's parents and sisters and had a great time.

Along with Barry Sears, Dr. Julien Bailes, noted neurosurgeon, was also a speaker at the seminars. He worked with the sole survivor of the Sago mine disaster, Randy McCloy, to restore his health and brain function using a therapy that included high dose fish oil.

Though Hurricane Bertha was looming, the weather was beautiful and the seas were fairly mild. The subject of the event was "Build a Better Brain." We'll all be giving their theories a try and let you know how it goes!

Bob & Elliette

The crew managed to capture these, and of course Bev found them!
(Kim & Lisa must've escaped the photo op.)

"39-year-old" Bev and Me (39 too, why not?)

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